
Paywix is a lightweight SDK for payment processing for the python based applications, the package was initially supported only with the Django framework. In the new version, the package is supported by all python-based applications.

Supported Payment Gateways


To install use following command

    pip install paywix
    pipenv install paywix

Paywix with Payu

Setup Payu payment gateway

Make config file like this in your project root

        "merchant_key": "3o6jgxhp",
        "merchant_salt": "67bAgZX1B3",
        "mode": "test",

Payu Pawix with Django

Configure Django Projecct Settings(project/

install paywix on INSTALLED_APPS




Make a config file with payu details on

# PAYU Mandatory Config details
# No specific schema, you can use any other methods

    "merchant_key": "******",
    "merchant_salt": "******",
    "mode": "test",
    "success_url": "",
    "failure_url": ""

Configure urls

Configure template

Create a template file called payu_checkout.html is template is used get the data from checkout views(functionality) and redirect to payu payment gateway.

Configure Template [Make sure the template should be given format


  <body onload="document.payuForm.submit()">
      <form action={{ posted.action }} method="post" name="payuForm">
          <input type="hidden" name="key" value="{{posted.key}}" />
          <input type="hidden" name="hash_string" value="{{ posted.hash_string }}" />
          <input type="hidden" name="hash" value="{{ posted.hashh }}" />
          <input type="hidden" name="posted" value="{{ posted }}" />
          <input type="hidden" name="txnid" value="{{ posted.txnid }}" />
          <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="{{ posted.amount|default:'' }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="firstname" id="firstname" value="{{ posted.firstname|default:'' }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="email" id="email" value="{{|default:'' }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="phone" value="{{|default:'' }}" /></td>
          <textarea type="hidden" name="productinfo" style="display:none;">{{ posted.productinfo|default:'' }}</textarea>
          <input type="hidden" name="surl" value="{{ posted.surl }}" size="64" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="furl" value="{{ posted.furl }}" size="64" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="service_provider" value="{{posted.service_provider}}" size="64" />
          <input type="hidden" name="lastname" id="lastname" value="{{ posted.lastname }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="address1" value="{{ posted.address1 }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="address2" value="{{ posted.address2 }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="city" value="{{ }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="state" value="{{ posted.state }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="country" value="{{ }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="zipcode" value="{{ posted.zipcode }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="udf1" value="{{ posted.udf1 }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="udf2" value="{{ posted.udf2 }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="udf3" value="{{ posted.udf3 }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="udf4" value="{{ posted.udf4 }}" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="udf5" value="{{ posted.udf5 }}" /></td>

Configure Payu in views(checkout)

The given views is a example intreation, you have to make changes as per your needs, consider this as sample view. when the customer click the checkout function, redirect to given function then we have to make the data as per the given format, make sure you have included all the mandatory params.

Consider the this as sample views


from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required

# Import Payu from Paywix
from paywix.payu import Payu

payu_config = settings.PAYU_CONFIG
merchant_key = payu_config.get('merchant_key')
merchant_salt = payu_config.get('merchant_salt')
surl = payu_config.get('success_url')
furl = payu_config.get('failure_url')
mode = payu_config.get('mode')

# Create Payu Object for making transaction
# The given arguments are mandatory
payu = Payu(merchant_key, merchant_salt, surl, furl, mode)

# Payu checkout page
def payu_checkout(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Making Checkout form into dictionary
        data = {k: v[0] for k, v in dict(request.POST).items()}
        # The dictionary data  should be contains following details
        # data = { 'amount': '10', 
        #     'firstname': 'renjith', 
        #     'email': '',
        #     'phone': '', 'productinfo': 'test', 
        #     'lastname': 'test', 'address1': 'test', 
        #     'address2': 'test', 'city': 'test', 
        #     'state': 'test', 'country': 'test', 
        #     'zipcode': 'tes', 'udf1': '', 
        #     'udf2': '', 'udf3': '', 'udf4': '', 'udf5': ''
        # }

        # No Transactio ID's, Create new with paywix, it's not mandatory
        # Create your own
        # Create transaction Id with payu and verify with table it's not existed
        txnid = "Create your transaction id"
        data.update({"txnid": txnid})
        payu_data = payu.transaction(**data)
        return render(request, 'payu_checkout.html', {"posted": payu_data})

Configure Success & Failure urls

URL Description
success To handle successfull transactions
failure To handle un-successfull transactions

Success Views

Consider the this as sample views

# Payu success return page
def payu_success(request):
    data = {k: v[0] for k, v in dict(request.POST).items()}
    response = payu.verify_transaction(data)
    return JsonResponse(response)

Consider the this as sample views

Failure Views

# Payu failure page
def payu_failure(request):
    data = {k: v[0] for k, v in dict(request.POST).items()}
    response = payu.verify_transaction(data)
    return JsonResponse(response)

Payu include follows

The method will processed data for making transaction, we have to pass data as kwargs. Once the function processd the data, will contains the hash values, hashstring etc. you can logging once you start digging.

sample for payu.transaction(**data)

   data = {
     'amount': '10', 
     'firstname': 'renjith', 
     'email': '',
     'phone': '', 'productinfo': 'test', 
     'lastname': 'test', 'address1': 'test', 
     'address2': 'test', 'city': 'test', 
     'state': 'test', 'country': 'test', 
     'zipcode': 'tes', 'udf1': '', 
     'udf2': '', 'udf3': '', 'udf4': '', 'udf5': ''
  data.update({'txnid': "xyz"})
  posted_data = payu.transaction(**data)

sample for payu.verify_transaction(data)

  data = {k: v[0] for k, v in dict(request.POST).items()}
  response = payu.verify_transaction(data)

response for payu.verify_transaction(data)

     {"return_data": {"isConsentPayment": "0", "mihpayid": "250403759", "mode": "", "status": "failure", "unmappedstatus": "userCancelled", "key": "3o6jgxhp", "txnid": "tmk f23b118be0500854f90d", "amount": "10.00", "addedon": "2020-07-27 14:00:40", "productinfo": "test", "firstname": "renjith", "lastname": "", "address1": "dsf", "address2": "fsdf", "city": "sdf", "state": "", "country": "", "zipcode": "342341", "email": "renjith", "phone": "9746272610", "udf1": "", "udf2": "", "udf3": "", "udf4": "", "udf5": "", "udf6": "", "udf7": "", "udf8": "", "udf9": "", "udf10": "", "hash": "cdb80b5e3973fb048782152aa8b5a5fd9d58915578fec92cbd55780bc36821fb90f7741a251c01724903ea7ccc3c5fa3f5b16d4aa4255c62f3d4da707d357265", "field1": "", "field2": "", "field3": "", "field4": "", "field5": "", "field6": "", "field7": "", "field8": "", "field9": "Cancelled by user", "PG_TYPE": "PAISA", "bank_ref_num": "250403759", "bankcode": "PAYUW", "error": "E000", "error_Message": "No Error", "payuMoneyId": "250403759"}, "hash_string": "67bAgZX1B3|failure|||||||||||renjith|renjith|test|10.00|tmk f23b118be0500854f90d|3o6jgxhp", "generated_hash": "cdb80b5e3973fb048782152aa8b5a5fd9d58915578fec92cbd55780bc36821fb90f7741a251c01724903ea7ccc3c5fa3f5b16d4aa4255c62f3d4da707d357265", "recived_hash": "cdb80b5e3973fb048782152aa8b5a5fd9d58915578fec92cbd55780bc36821fb90f7741a251c01724903ea7ccc3c5fa3f5b16d4aa4255c62f3d4da707d357265", "hash_verified": true}

API Reference

If you want to use API services for the Payu, you have to include the auth_header in the Payu(auth_header="") class, default value is None,

Get Payment Response

This API can be used by the merchant to get the response details of the transaction(s) done using PayUmoney.

ID PARAM Description type mandatory
1 required_data Mandataory Details {"ids": (list)} dict Yes
2 optionals optionals data {"from_date":, "to_date":, "count":} dict No

Sample for Getpayment response function

payment_Resp = payu.getPaymentResponse({"ids": ['172b0970-d073-11ea-8a7c-f0189853078a']})


  "errorCode": "",
  "message": "All txnIds are valid",
  "responseCode": "",
  "result": [
      "merchantTransactionId": "396132-58876806",
      "postBackParam": {
        "addedon": "2017-04-26T15:22:05.000Z",
        "additionalCharges": "6.1",
        "additional_param": "",
        "address1": "",
        "address2": "",
        "amount": "100.0",
        "amount_split": "{\"PAYU\":\"106.1\"}",
        "bank_ref_num": "1182885976",
        "bankcode": "MAST",
        "calledStatus": "false",
        "cardToken": "",
        "card_merchant_param": "",
        "card_type": "",
        "cardhash": "This field is no longer supported in postback params.",
        "cardnum": "500446XXXXXX0000",
        "city": "",
        "country": "",
        "createdOn": "1493200111000",
        "discount": "0.00",
        "email": "",
        "encryptedPaymentId": "",
        "error": "E000",
        "error_Message": "No Error",
        "fetchAPI": "",
        "field1": "",
        "field2": "",
        "field3": "",
        "field4": "",
        "field5": "",
        "field6": "",
        "field7": "",
        "field8": "",
        "field9": "",
        "firstname": "Tom Jude",
        "hash": "9a5e632d332c11eb74f8a76ba3dcccd0548f1f26a73bc2541f85198a3cf0eb948ad8caff6b0921ae9a11aa7648c70f0a87ac29d09790ba2f1c31d48823ba9a85",
        "key": "40747T",
        "lastname": "",
        "meCode": "{\"tranportalid\":\"90000970\",\"pg_alias\":\"90000970\",\"pg_name\":\"hdfctraveltesting\",\"tranportalpwd\":\"password\"}",
        "mihpayid": "70000000688113",
        "mode": "DC",
        "name_on_card": "Tom",
        "net_amount_debit": "106.1",
        "offer_availed": "",
        "offer_failure_reason": "",
        "offer_key": "",
        "offer_type": "",
        "paisa_mecode": "",
        "paymentId": "58876806",
        "payuMoneyId": "58876806",
        "pg_TYPE": "HDFCPG",
        "pg_ref_no": "",
        "phone": "6121212232",
        "postBackParamId": "39803778",
        "postUrl": "",
        "productinfo": "productInfo",
        "state": "",
        "status": "sucess",
        "txnid": "396132-58876806",
        "udf1": "",
        "udf10": "",
        "udf2": "",
        "udf3": "",
        "udf4": "",
        "udf5": "",
        "udf6": "",
        "udf7": "",
        "udf8": "",
        "udf9": "",
        "unmappedstatus": "captured",
        "version": "",
        "zipcode": ""
  "status": "0"

Check Merchant Transaction Status

This API can be used by a merchant to reconcile/get update status of the transaction(s) with PayUmoney.

ID PARAM Description type mandatory
1 required_data Mandataory Details {"ids": (list)} dict Yes

Sample Check Merchant Transaction

payment_Resp = payu.chkMerchantTxnStatus({"ids": ['172b0970-d073-11ea-8a7c-f0189853078a', '172b0970-d073-11ea-8a7c-f0189853078a']})
  "errorCode": "",
  "message": "All txnIds are valid",
  "responseCode": "",
  "result": {
    "amount": "106.1",
    "merchantTransactionId": "396132-58876806",
    "paymentId": "58876806",
    "status": "Money with Payumoney"
  "status": "0"

Refund Payment API

This API can be used by the merchant to initiate a partial or full refund for any successful transaction.

ID PARAM Description type mandatory
1 required_data Mandataory Details {"payu_id": , "amount": <>} dict Yes

Sample Refund Payment API

    refund_amount = payu.refundPayment({'payu_id': 58872009, 'amount': 5})
  "errorCode": "",
  "guid": "",
  "message": "Refund Initiated",
  "result": "190651",
  "rows": "0",
  "sessionId": "",
  "status": "0"

Get Refund Details by Refund Id

This API returns all the refund details of a particular refund done using the Refund API or the Payumoney panel.

ID PARAM Description type mandatory
1 required_data Mandataory Details {"refund_id": dict Yes

Sample Get Refund Details by Refund Id

    rrefund_details_1 = payu.getRefundDetails({'refund_id': 190783})
  "errorCode": "",
  "guid": "",
  "message": "Refund Details :",
  "result": {
    "PaymentId": "58876807",
    "Refund Amount": "1.0",
    "Refund Completed On": "null",
    "Refund Created On": "2017-04-26T15:59:51.000Z",
    "Refund Status": "refundinprogress",
    "RefundId": "190783",
    "Total Amount": "1.06"
  "rows": "0",
  "sessionId": "",
  "status": "0"

Get Refund Details by Payment Id

This API returns details of all refunds for a payment done through Payumoney.

ID PARAM Description type mandatory
1 required_data Mandataory Details {"payu_id": dict Yes

Sample Get Refund Details by Payment Id

    rrefund_details = payu.getRefundDetailsByPayment({'payu_id': 190783})

  "errorCode": "",
  "guid": "",
  "message": "Refund Details :",
  "result": {
    "PaymentId": "58876807",
    "Amount Left": "1266.0",
    "Refund Details Map": "[{RefundId=190783, Refund Amount=10.0, Refund Completed On=null, Refund Status=refundinprogress, Refund Created On=2017-04-26 15:59:51.0}]",
    "Total Amount": "1276.0"
  "rows": "0",
  "sessionId": "",
  "status": "0"
